Whether it is cheating spouses or partners, insurance fraud, workers compensation and or ACC claims, stolen property, injury, employee theft, counterfeit goods, general fraud, or industrial espionage, there is no better way to obtain and document the true facts than with irrefutable video and/or photographic evidence, and or the first hand direct evidence of an experienced surveillance investigator.
Surveillance is often the most least considered investigative option BUT it is often the most valued and successful tool.
Discretion is most often the primary requirement. Our investigators have specialist training and experience. Surveillance requires tactics tailored to each situation.
We have both male and female investigators of various ages and ethnic backgrounds, giving us the resources to conduct a successful surveillance Operation.
Combined with our extensive experience, our surveillance specialists are highly trained in the use of the latest, high tech, state of the art, covert surveillance systems. Our vast array of equipment includes the latest video cameras, and miniature hidden body worn audio and digital devices.
ADVANCED offers a full array of surveillance services including single and multiple operative surveillance, stationary and mobile surveillance, unmanned surveillance, and essential pre-surveillance due diligence.
ADVANCED’s surveillance investigators are well versed in the judicial process, and are prepared and equipped to provide professional post-surveillance forensic testimony in court.
Recent amendments to regulations that govern the conduct of Investigators who conduct surveillance mean that due diligence and care must be taken when they are involved in surveillance operations and ADVANCED is well versed with the necessary legal requirements.