Pre-employment screening / staff vetting
Business Intelligence
We help clients throughout New Zealand manage business threats by protecting their people and assets through a comprehensive suite of investigation and screening services.
Our comprehensive due diligence processes, conducted via a combination of primary source research, proven analytical skills and extensive investigative capabilities, provide clients with invaluable insight into existing and potential operational and investment risk issues.
ADVANCED offers a comprehensive range of specialist business intelligence services designed to meet a client’s precise needs.
Pre-employment searches and Staff vetting
ADVANCED’s Pre-Employment Screening and Staff vetting services provide our clients with the tools to manage risk, reduce losses, and enhance security while assisting them to make informed business decisions.
- Reducing risk e.g. of loss, fraud or theft
- Reducing the number of inappropriate hires
- Reducing staff turnover and increases retention
- Reducing the cost of re-hiring, induction, training
- Reduces a time-consuming job, allowing managers to manage the business
- Reduces costs because you only pay when you need it
- Reduces the public relations fallout which is the inevitable result of a sloppy employment decision
When your employment decisions are under review foresight is often an amazing quality that you wish you had at the time of approving the appointment.
ADVANCED will assist your employment recruitment system by advising on the structure of your ‘Application for employment Document’.
We will ensure that you obtain the necessary authority from prospective employee to allow you to accurately check a person’s past CRIMINAL HISTORY IN New Zealand and overseas.
Our ability to conduct International Investigations means that detailed background checks are as easy to make as they are in New Zealand at cost effective rates.
Avoid these problems from inception by contacting ADVANCED now for further information on ways we can help you make the right employment decision.